Albert Einstein said that Bucky Fuller was one of the smartest men he ever met.
An inventor, philosopher, architect, engineer, mathematician, poet, cosmologist, the author of 28 books and public lecturer; Bucky wrote that “Neither political officials nor bankers know what wealth is.”
To prove his point he invites us to consider a series of statements and if we disagree with any statement we are to disregard it.
1) No matter what we think wealth is nor how much wealth we have, we can not alter yesterday.
2) There is more wealth now than ever before.
3) No matter how much wealth a man has it is worthless to him as he goes down with a burning and sinking ship. The richest sane man would gladly trade all his worth for the means to extend his life or that of those he loves.
4) Wealth is the capability to sustain the days of our lives.
5) Wealth can be accounted for as the number of forward days we can sustain life.
6) Real wealth is forward-operative and our children and their children, the generations to come, are our future days.
7) If we fail to support life forward we are bankrupt.
Two Parts of Wealth
Fuller wrote, “Our ability to deal successfully with forward regeneration, real wealth, breaks down to two main parts: Physical energy and Metaphysical know how. The law of “the conservation of energy” states that energy can neither be created or lost. That part of wealth which is physical energy can not be exhausted, “spending” is meaningless and obsolete.” By learning more we become better able to forward our regeneration. In learning more we become more efficient thus freeing up time to learn even more. Bucky says that “Man can not learn less, he always learns more.” The metaphysical phenomenon is “intellect”, we can always learn more.
“Our minds discover the operating principles in each experience. Once detected and mastered these principles give knowledgeable advantage.”
“There is physical work and then there is the invisible labour of the mind,” V. Hugo
The physical part of wealth, energy, can not decrease and the metaphysical part, knowledge, can only increase. The more we use our wealth the more it increases.
Economic accounting systems unrealistically identify wealth only in material terms. Co-operation, individual enterprise, and innovation produce wealth but are unrecognized. Value is given to the material but no value is given to inventiveness or to the value of one product or action complementing
another. Fuller says, “Man is inadvertently equipped synergistically to do progressively more with less.”
Our common wealth is multiplied by information which is itself multiplying at an exponential rate.
Our common wealth is increasing at an accelerating synergistic rate and it happens without being consciously attempted.
Fear Limits Wealth
The material wealth of the average American has increased at least six-fold in the last one hundred years and it would be more but for the fear of change for the better. The only limit on the generation of ever more wealth is the unwillingness to change. The fear of failure motivates some people to not try new thinking and the implementation of new knowledge. Large companies and governments have an inborn reluctance to change what has proven to work; it’s the old “don’t stick your hand in a moving machine’” mindset that inhabits new thinking, new ways and more wealth.
Machiavelli (1469 to 1527) wrote, “There is nothing more difficult to bring about than change. It makes enemies of those who have a vested interest in the current situation and garners only lukewarm support from those who might gain from the new.”
Fear of change results in racing around in circles getting nowhere fast, at an accelerating rate of speed.
Abe WalkingBear
Bron: A/R Management Group