Credit Expo 2023 | Dinsdag 7 november | 1931 ‘s-Hertogenbosch
Seminar: BlackLine | 10:15 – 10:45 | Dexter 17 | Taal: Engels
Spreker: Phil Rice, Head of Credit Aggregate Industries

Unlocking the Power of Credit Management: A Strategic Approach to Business Growth

In the realm of business, Credit Management is often underestimated and, unfortunately, occasionally sidelined. However, it stands as a pivotal pillar in the foundation of every successful enterprise. Join us as Phil Rice, a seasoned expert, unveils the transformational journey he orchestrated within his organization. By reshaping the perception and function of credit management and Accounts Receivable (AR), Phil turned them into strategic enablers for business expansion and rapid cash flow enhancement. You’ll discover how to:

  • Boosting Efficiency: Learn practical techniques to optimize credit management and AR operations, enhancing your company’s operational efficiency.
  • Accelerating Growth: Discover how strategic credit management can fuel business growth and expedite cash flow, driving your organization towards new heights of success.
  • Leading People: Change management is a key enabler that is often over looked and Phil will share his insights and experiences in this area.

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