Credit Expo 2023 | Dinsdag 7 november | 1931 ‘s-Hertogenbosch
Roundtable: BlackLine | Tijd: 13:00 – 14:00 | Dexter 30
Speaker: Brian Morgan, Director Product Marketing AR BlackLine
Moderator: Sandy Nijhuis

Collaboration: Strengthening Cross-Departmental Bonds through Intelligent Automation

In today’s dynamic business landscape, effective collaboration between departments is paramount for organizational success. The advent of automation has ushered in transformative opportunities to enhance cross-functional cooperation and streamline operations. Join us for this roundtable discussion, titled “Collaboration Synergy: Strengthening Cross-Departmental Bonds through Automation,” to delve into the profound impact of automated processes on interdepartmental collaboration and how it can be harnessed to drive efficiency and innovation. Key Discussion Points.

  • Breaking Silos: Explore how automation can break down traditional departmental silos by creating a shared platform for information exchange, encouraging transparency, and fostering a sense of unity in achieving common goals.
  • Streamlining Workflows: Examine how automated workflows can simplify cross-functional processes, minimize bottlenecks, and accelerate project timelines, leading to more synchronized efforts.
  • Data Accessibility and Insights: Discuss how automation facilitates access to real-time data and analytics across departments, empowering teams to make informed decisions and collaborate based on data-driven insights.
  • Change Management: Address the challenges and strategies associated with implementing automation-driven collaboration initiatives, including change management approaches to ensure successful adoption across teams.
  • Innovation and Ideation: Explore how cross-departmental collaboration, fuelled by automation, can spark innovation, creative problem-solving, and the generation of new ideas through diverse perspectives.

This inspiring roundtable session offers plenty of room for discussion with colleagues facing similar challenges in their credit department. The roundtable discussion will be facilitated by moderator Sandy Nijhuis in collaboration with Brian Morgan FCICM, Director Product Marketing AR at BlackLine. The language of the discussion will be English, with support in Dutch. Lunch is included. A maximum of 15 credit professionals (B2B) from large companies can participate in this session.

We highly value it if you would like to share your knowledge, experience and vision with us during this session. You can register quickly and easily by sending an e-mail to: If you are working as a B2B credit professionals at a large company, you will receive a confirmation of your participation within a few days.

Next Level Academy / Credit Expo 2023
Stroombaan 4 (Edison gebouw)
1181 VX Amstelveen
T: +31(0)20 – 672 1371