Compared with 2009's filings, U.S. consumer bankruptcy filings had risen to 9% (1.53 million) said the American Bankruptcy Institute against estimated 1.6 million.
In the same October and November period last year however, the bankruptcy filings rate were less. It was a result of reduced debt and spending cut by consumers according to ABI Executive Director Samuel J. Gerdano. He thinks fewer people are on the ledge, susceptible to the financial economic event.
Gerdano added that more than any other year since 2005 when Congress made it harder to get rid of debt using the protective wings of the court, it was in 2010 that saw more bankruptcy filed by individuals. He also mentioned that bankruptcy filings may carry on increasing until next year.
In December, the fastest growth in seven months happened to U.S. manufacturing. 2010 Christmas season sales for retailers went up 5.5%, reportedly the best since 2005.
The payroll for December, said analysts' estimation may be up by 140,000.
Labor Department report is due on Jan. 7. Even unemployment rate may experience 9.7% relief from previous 9.8%.
Institute for Supply Management manufacturing index indicated a rise of 57 in December from 56.6 in November. The holiday sales retailers' report was given by a firm measuring all-payment-forms-sales, Spending Pulse of MasterCard Advisor.Bron: American Bankruptcy Institute